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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Leakes's Son Arrested Again

NeNe Leake who is on the show "The Real Housewives of Atlanta" son was arrested the second time this month. Bryant who also appeared on the show was arrested again for having a weapon with him when he was arrested for possession of a controlled substance. Earlier this month Bryant was arrested for minor marijuana possesion and his mom said that she would talk with him and that it was a family issue but since he has been arrested again she has had no comment about it. Teenagers around the world are getting arrested for drug and weapon possesion more often now and they don't think much about it. They don't think its bad unless they get caught with it. Parents need to talk to their kids about drugs and also about weapons because it is immoral and you could ruin your life in a second.
To see the article, click here.

Even Victoria Secret Models Aren't Perfect Looking

Nobody has a perfect body. You may think models do but even they don't. Victoria Secret supermodel Alessandra Ambrosio recently came under fire when she was called too skinny. She says she has a healthy body but even she said that she wouldn't mind having a bigger butt. She is happy with the way she looks but even she wishes she could change things about her apperance. Everybody in the world has at least one thing they would want to change about their appearence; nobody looks perfect we all have some flaws. You can change your body in some ways like excercising more and eating healthier and some people even go the extent as to getting plastic surgery and breasts implants but we were all made in God's image and even though we all have flaws i wouldn't say to change everything about your appearance. Maybe if you wanted to get a little bit more skinny and start eating healthier foods but i wouldn't say to start getting surgery done because you don't like the way you look. Nobody is perfect except God above us.
To see the article, click here.

Catholic Church Condemns Modern Cultural Icon

James Cameron's three dimensional masterpiece, Avatar, was a blockbuster hit. It topped the charts for weeks. As a result of the amount of pull the film had in the pop culture world, it captured the attention of dozens of political and religious authorities worldwide. The Catholic Church was no exception. In early January, the Church issued a statement describing the movie as 'simplistic' and 'superficial'. Angry fans responded by accusing the Church of feeling threatened by the power the movie had over its viewers. The Church never denied this accusation, instead, it further accused the film, and James Cameron with it, of supporting neo paganism, or the worship of nature. Pope Benedict, who has been nicknamed the 'green pope' for his support of environmental reform, even went as far as to warn Catholics, and everyone, against "seeing nature as the source of man's salvation alone."
To see the article, click here.

Popculture in the movie Superbad

We picked the superbad trailer for our video because it's pop culture. It's about kids in high school who are virgins and are trying to be like every body else in their high school. To become like all the other kids in high school, one of the guys get a fake ID so they can buy alcohol. They are invited to a party, so they have to go get alcohol for everybody. The movie is about their adventure while they are trying to escape from the cops and finally have sexual intercourse. This is pop culture because many kids in the world are doing the same things. Many kids in high school have fake ID'S and are drinking and going to parties. Also, many kids in high school are having sex. Many kids are being made fun of because they are virgins and many kids are going through peer pressure. This movie describes how kids are now in real life.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Late Night Comedies Kings Will "Miss" Jay Leno

I think you would have to be blind, deaf, and dumb not to have at least heard of the recent drama between Conan O'Brien and Jay Leno in their competition for the role of host on "The Tonight Show". Conan eventually won out, partially because of the release of information regarding Leno and his many affairs. Since that time, other late night comedy hosts have taken to making digs on Leno on air. One of these comedians was David Letterman. Letterman has never been above making quips about other celebrities on his show "Late Night with David Letterman", but when he invited Jimmy Kimmel to help him, it struck a chord. After seeing the show, Leno guest starred on Oprah, and proclaimed to the morning television world that Kimmel and Letterman had "sucker punched" him. Kimmel denied it, saying it had all been in fun, and that he will miss Leno in nightly lineup, if only as a person to mock. What do you think, were Kimmel and Letterman wrong to hit Leno while he was down? Or was his controversial behavior justification enough?

To read the article, click here.

Bad Influence in Rap Music

Do you think rap is a very poetic way of expressing yourself through music? In certain ways it can be but have you ever listened to all of the lyrics before? I'm sure your kids have but have you actually sat down and listened to a whole rap song? The messages in the songs are not very poetic and they certainly are not moral. Most rap songs talk about drugs, sex, and voilence. Its not just rap music that sends out immoral messages but it is mainly rap. Do you really want your kids listening to those type of songs? Some kids will get the message that drugs, sex, and violence is not a bad thing in life and they will start doing these things. Do you really want your kids to end up in rehab or jail or even dead? I'm not saying all rap songs are entirely bad because believe it or not some rap songs have good messages in them and the rapper just raps about the hard times he has had. All I am saying is just to pay attention to what your kids listen to because that one song could change their future.
To see the original article, click here.

Little People, Big Franchise?

The Learning channel, more commonly known as TLC, features shows relatable to modern life. "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition", "Trading Spaces", and "What Not To Wear" are examples of the typical show on TLC. Another typical show is "Little People, Big World". "Little People, Big World" follows the lives of Roloff family, the family includes two parents, who are both dwarves, and three children, only one of whom suffers from dwarfism. It chronicles the triumphs and challenges associated with everday life as a little person. Recently however, the show has branched out. TLC now features "Little Couple", "Little Parents, First Baby", and "Little Parents, Big Pregnancy". And the network has announced the premiere of a new series, "Little Chocalatiers". Despite the number and variety of these television programs, TLC claims they do not represent a growing franchise. The network claimes that the shows educate watchers and teach the simple fact that dwarves are people, too. But does that message still apply if the network itself is exploiting these people for higher viewing numbers? And is the network exploiting them at all?

To read more, click here.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Teen Opinions of Illegal Downloading

Illegal downloading is becoming a widely debated moral issue in today's society. With the economy falling, and the price of music rising, many people find that downloading music illegally is no longer the moral offense it once was. Teens, in particular, have no trouble stomaching the thought of stealing music from artists. In a recent blog conducted by, it was discovered that 83% of teenagers thought that illegal downloading was morally acceptable, as opposed to just 15% of teenagers who found it wrong. In addition to illegal downloading, 5% of people in general admitted to making or buying counterfeit music product, that is music that has been rerecorded from the original copy and sold for someone other than the artist's gain. What do you think? Is illegal downloading immoral?

To see the polls referenced in this post, click here.