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Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Bad Influence in Rap Music

Do you think rap is a very poetic way of expressing yourself through music? In certain ways it can be but have you ever listened to all of the lyrics before? I'm sure your kids have but have you actually sat down and listened to a whole rap song? The messages in the songs are not very poetic and they certainly are not moral. Most rap songs talk about drugs, sex, and voilence. Its not just rap music that sends out immoral messages but it is mainly rap. Do you really want your kids listening to those type of songs? Some kids will get the message that drugs, sex, and violence is not a bad thing in life and they will start doing these things. Do you really want your kids to end up in rehab or jail or even dead? I'm not saying all rap songs are entirely bad because believe it or not some rap songs have good messages in them and the rapper just raps about the hard times he has had. All I am saying is just to pay attention to what your kids listen to because that one song could change their future.
To see the original article, click here.

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