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Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Catholic Church Condemns Modern Cultural Icon

James Cameron's three dimensional masterpiece, Avatar, was a blockbuster hit. It topped the charts for weeks. As a result of the amount of pull the film had in the pop culture world, it captured the attention of dozens of political and religious authorities worldwide. The Catholic Church was no exception. In early January, the Church issued a statement describing the movie as 'simplistic' and 'superficial'. Angry fans responded by accusing the Church of feeling threatened by the power the movie had over its viewers. The Church never denied this accusation, instead, it further accused the film, and James Cameron with it, of supporting neo paganism, or the worship of nature. Pope Benedict, who has been nicknamed the 'green pope' for his support of environmental reform, even went as far as to warn Catholics, and everyone, against "seeing nature as the source of man's salvation alone."
To see the article, click here.

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